
Monday, 5 December 2016


Our vision is to create clothes that are distinctive and wearable while promoting African textile

 my kitchen party kitenge...this was the sare for my kitchen party in 2014.It is a beautiful kente inspired ankara.
 I got hold of a very little remaining fabric the rest of them were sold to our guests

 I miss this body size,I have gained so much weight and clothes do not look this good on me anymore


  1. hi!
    I love seeing your creations in your blog and think the fabrics you choose are amazing!
    Funny what you say about the changing body shape, I think we are lucky to make our own clothes, every body change can be adapted for and from my side of the screen your clothes fit you always perfect and every time you look like gold : )
    cheers from New Zealand.

    1. Thanks Mariana,you made me feel really beautiful.

    2. Thanks Mariana,you made me feel really beautiful.
